Friday, October 10, 2008

Somehow Shallow

There is something that has been going through my
head lately and has been dug up and put right on top
of the mental pile by almost losing my friendship with
someone who might prefer not to be named on here
and Crystal's latest blog...

The way I end up picking my friends is terrible.
Mind you, the friends are not, but I keep noticing that
I practically solely dedicate my friendship to gorgeous
people. There is not one ugly person in my little (ex-
clusively online, by the way) circle of friends. What
does that make me ?

A shallow bastard, I suppose.

Now, it's not like I would be friends with a hot airbrain.
I don't think that I could stand that for even a few
minutes. But doesn't that actually make it worse ? 

Isn't it awfully decadent of me to "pick out" an "elite"
group of amazing people ? It's not really a conscious
effort, mind you. But that's where I am drawn and it
is what it ends up being. It just seems that it makes
me a... not very good person, so...

I wonder how to fix it.


Crys said...

two things: you cannot help who you are drawn to.

second, i am not elite and i am not even beautiful. you would not believe how broken i am, and in so many ways. i'm just a mess, particularly physically. i'm just me, honestly, and you are just you, and that is why i like you, and i suspect that is why you like me...really.

Creature SH said...

You know, I have the ever-growing suspicion that it's impossible to possess a certain level of intelligence and emotional depth without being broken somehow. It's part of the balance that tends to seep into everything, I guess.

However ! You are fooling yourself immensely if you think that you're not beautiful, and you're a rare breed... One of a kind, I'm pretty sure.

Just to be who you are, though... You're on to something there. Yes.

Maddy said...

Since I see you so often on Crystal's blog, I thought I'd come check you out.

If you were really shallow, I wonder if you would be pondering your shallowness?

Depth and intelligence only makes one more beautiful. I think that's what really makes Crystal stand out in a crowd.

Creature SH said...

Thank you very much for the visit !

Well, I guess I could ponder it in a really shallow way...

You're definitely right on the money regarding Crystal. Readers might come for the sight, but they stay for the mind.